Life is full of challenges but we overcome all!

With my students in Cancun - Mexico

Happiness is a way of looking at life. It is a philosophy, not a momentary joy. It means that you understand that life is learning and wherever we come from, whatever we do we help each other with experiences.

Happiness is to take on board that you as a human being have flaws and merits, none of which makes you a better or a lesser person.

Happiness is to understand that you are a creative part of this whole and that you are responsible for your deeds, words, and thoughts.   

Happiness is when you have aims and able to see the core not only the surface.

Happiness is when you know that it is more than all right to be sad, angry, hurtful and joyous with all the other feelings you need to learn from. When you understand that emotions are not weaknesses.

Happiness is when you do not expect but observe.

It might sound very difficult to arrive at this stage in life but it is not. The key is equality and the understanding that every person is doing 100% of their ability at every given moment.

Summit Videos

Up to date, I have created 6 international summits where I've met a great number of fascinating speakers.

My interviews

These are my speakers and podcast interviews.

As above so below

My intellectual property, AKIA Philosophy, is the study of the Great Matrix of the Universe. As everything is interrelated, the Below mirrors the Above and vice versa. It is a debate program I started in one of my Facebook groups to make it more interactive and more engaging. I am still waiting for the result though. It seems that people became so laid back that they don't wish to leave their comfort zone to argue their point of view. Or, just don't have a point of view.

Conscious Togetherness

This book of mine talks about conscious existence and our love offer with Life.

Heavenly Nourishment

5 Secrets of The Matrix

The five minutes Man and the Girl who fell in Love with Menthe