There is a weird misconception about emotions, stating that they come from nowhere, and either we like it or not, they torture us.
First of all, I’d like to point out that nowhere is somewhere and since they occasionally hit us, we should know more about them.
We should also stop saying that we cannot help the way we feel.
In this workshop, we learn the basic understanding of emotions and how to command them. In addition, to how to use them to our advantage.
This workshop, where you learn to make a pendulum, as well as use it, is free for members of The School of Mysteries Online Academy and The LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM OF THE WANDERWISDOM CLUB. Visitors are welcome by paying the token administration fee of $30 USD.
Our MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM is truly extensive. It offers Premium Digital Courses, Minicourses, Lectures, Full and Dark Moon rituals with Healing and Thanksgiving, a whole video archive, Q&A and substantial savings on services. And the basket is filled continuously.
Interested? Check it out here.